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Selling Catalytic converters
We buy your used catalytic converters at a fair price. Take a look at our offers. You can sort the catalytic converters by the manufacturers or you can enter the number of your catalytic converters.
Show Catalytic Converters
A collection of the CATs takes place only in Germany. Outside of Germany the CATs have to be shipped at purchase.
There are many manipulated CATs in circulation. Please send us your CATs only if you agree with a drill-test analysis.
Through access to analysis and our own analysis of catalytic converters, we can offer you a realistic and fairly calculated price for your ceramic and metal catalysts.
All necessary documents for proper disposal, such as take-over certificates, consignment notes and proof of disposal, will be provided if required.
A pick-up is possible within Germany from 20 pieces, depending on the distance. Please contact us to arrange a pick-up date. Outside of Germany pick-up is not possible.
Personal deliveries not possible!
Smaller quantities can simply be sent to us by post. Please have a look at the information sheet for shipping and fill out the accompanying form.
ShippmentAccompanying formFair-Kat Team
Hannah (Catalog), Katharina (Shipping, Processing), Kenan (Purchase, Analyses), Guido (Design, Programming), Bodhi Priya (Office)
Since 2008 we have been engaged in the purchase of ceramic and metal catalytic converters. Today we work together with numerous car recyclers and a large waste disposal company.
A fair handling and a business relationship based on partnership is important to us, try it out.